GERMANY - ISRAEL: Cyber Research & Innovation Roundtable Hosted by the German Embassy in Tel Aviv and the Israel Office of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers
Join our innovative Cybersecurity and industry leaders exchanging knowledge and strategies within the cyber ecosystems in Germany, Europe and Israel.
Session moderated by: Danny Seker, Digital, Industry, Space and Civil Security Senior Director, ISERD, Israel Innovation Authority
Special Welcome Greeting
Orit Farkash-HaCohen, Minister of Innovation, Science & Technology
Andreas Könen, Director General Cyber and Information Security, German Federal Ministry of the Interior
Yigal Unna, Director General, Israel National Cyber Directorate
TRACK 1: CYBER & AVIATION: From A German and Israeli Innovation Lens
Mr. Christoph Müller, Head of Defense Research at the German Aerospace Center, DLR - The Need for Robust and Resilient Air Platforms in a Networked Environment
Fireside chat
Mr. Christoph Müller, Head of Defense Research at the German Aerospace Center, DLR
Frank Schubert, Airbus Cyber Security, Head of Defense & Strategic Programs
Noam Krakover, Chief Revenue Officer, Cyber Division, Israel Aerospace Industries, Ex Head of Intelligence and Assessment Division in Strategy and Policy Division, INCD
Moderator: Dadi Gertler, Executive Director of Systems and Technology Alliances, Israel National Cyber Directorate
TRACK 2: CYBER & MOBILITY – A Necessary Pillar of Smart Cities
Prof. Frank Köster, Founding Director, Institute for AI Safety and Security, German Aerospace Center, DLR - The EU‘s unified cloud ecosystem GAIA-X: Enabler for innovative Value Added Services for Mobility & Smart Cities
Prof. Tali Hatuka, Head, Laboratory for Contemporary Urban Design (LCUD), Department of Geography, Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Tel Aviv University - The Digital City: Critical Dimensions in Implementing the Smart City